Monday, May 24, 2010

The future of chequewriter

The future of chequewriter is completely free and online. There is no installation, no download and no setting required (for hp laser printer). It is fast, convenient and professional, eliminating manual cheque writing work. All you need is any computer with internet explorer and your office printer.

It is the easiest way to print cheque issued by Singapore, Malaysia and US banks. All you need to do is 3 simple steps:

1) Put your bank cheque into your office/home printer
2) Select your payee name and enter the amount to pay
3) Click print

You can watch the online chequewriter demo on YouTube.

As a young boss, I have to manage a very new clerk. One fine day, our landloard comes to collect the monthly rental. As he is standing impatiently in front of the accounting desk, the intimated clerk is so excited that she voids 3 cheques consequently. She misspells the payee name once and misspells the amount twice. Seeing how frustrated she is, I spend a little time and create a simple chequewriter. So come the birth of yongAcccount, an online checkwriter, to eliminate tedious handwritten check. It is used daily at our office now and by our existing customers. It is freely available to any new accounting people.

Future chequewriter is free!

How to display image link to yongaccount in facebook note?

<a href=""><img src="add image address" /></a>

Saturday, May 22, 2010

So excited about a new customer

The new customer comments,

"just put in the chque into the printer, and it prints!"

It is so easy to use if you have a hp printer and the new user is about 50 years old.

Print check for free!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is the connection too slow?

I wonder if users find the connection too slow? There are case where user click print twice. Maybe I should disable the print? Or a turning logo.

Print check for free!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Customer on hp printer

Today just release a link for customer using hp laserjet. No setting is required for hp laser printer. For hp photo printer, setup for a custom paper size is required.

The customer called to say thank. He asks if the link need to do again, I sat is a one tine setting.

Another customer also starts using after stop for almost a month. I wonder?

Print check for free!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

a customer uses hp printer

The customer says he is using hp m1522 without any problem. Recently, cannot print right due to our change to setup requirement for all printer.

HP printer does not require any setup however for all the customer I come across, all need setup as they are not using HP. Now there is a customer using HP and without any setup. Should I continue to allow no setup or should I force all setup?

Is there a way to detect hp printer?

The customer is about 50, can hardly use a computer...

A bit off but still can use. Ask to meet at his office and solve in 5 minutes...


他說連續2 weeks都在用yongaccount開支票
按print cheque now
每個公司的copy machine都不一樣
可以click看看step by step 的 setup

Technical Support

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Checkwriter For Standard US Check

You can customize US check on yongAccount. Bank of America and Citibank check are compatible. Only 2 points are required for customization. Click here to create your check format.

Technical Support

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cheque Setup

又要开支票了。。。今天去 网站,发现多了一个 printer setup, 原来是为了每个人的printer。

我就跟着图片里的instruction 去做setting, 印出来的支票一级棒!!!!!

还没试用的朋友,可以到 看看,这是一个很不错的一个网站。


regular user
online cheque writer

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Asia cheque

Asia cheque is different from the standard US check format. It has a bearer and a account payee.

1) bearer

if cancel, only the payee written can be paid.
if no cancel, the bearer can be paid.

2) Account payee only

if draw, must go into bank account.
if not draw, can get cash.

If cash cheque, do not cancel bearer and account payee.

As for US check, it has a memo field for entering invoice number and bill catalog.

best regards
Print check for free

Monday, May 3, 2010

to select all friends in facebook

etElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] ==='object'){[fid]);}}

tested on US bank check

It works right for US check now. The date is especially format for example

September 3rd, 2010 instead of the Asia way 01 Sep 2010. Today, there is a Malaysian cheque created on yongAcount. There is also a UAE cheque last week.

Print check for free!

Cheque Writer

又到月尾了,我们这些“打工仔”领薪水了。。。这次老板说开支票让员工自己进银行。员工的人数多,我选择 网站来帮我印支票。。。

我约花半个小时就把支票给印好了,老板都觉的很好。。。。因为他很放便,只要打进payee name , total amount 就可以了

Regular user
print cheque for free

Saturday, May 1, 2010

785 cheques are printed on yongaccount

As on 01 may 2010, Labour day, 785 cheques are being printed at yongaccount. It is release in 17 march 2010. Look like within 3 months, there will be 2000 cheque issued using yongaccount.

US standard cheque format is added. Inch or cm measurement. IE version 6 to 8 works on yongAccount.

Happy Labor Day!

Print check for free!

International check printing

Today, I have added US check format with default measurement unit in inch. I have also remove basic printer no setting. Basic printer requires now custom paper setting. The margin in IE has changed to 2.5 inches as it is big enough for all printer I come across.

IE 6 and IE 8 are now using the same method to display. Make things simpler.

Print check for free!