Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Ms Ong說數目字前面可不可以放star~
有了Not Negotioble&A/C Payee~那個Berer還要畫~


Monday, July 19, 2010


他用的printer是Canon MP160


Terasaki(Japan Company)

6561 1165
她的printer model是HP5100


Monday, July 12, 2010

Ask Julia Again~Jetco




Ms Julia says the statement dun want put the yongaccout, she says that is advertisement, she want paste to her accountant...
Julia says our statement why no put the email add, she says now all use email ready, nobody use fax...


I cant find the Sharp MX 2700 driver to download~~~


Friday, July 9, 2010


剛才打給Ms Ong
教她step by step印支票(yongaccount


Print envelope up to A4 size

By word of mouth, http://yongacount.homeip.net is on way to be the best online chequewriter in Singapore, Malaysia, India, UAE and USA in 5 years. The current small step goal for yongaccount is to create awareness in Singapore and Malaysia. It is aiming to hit 10 000 cheque printed by end this year. Currently, it has 1710 cheque printed after being released in 17 March 10.

As commited, it will be 100% free to print cheque and envelope.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Ms Ziro

Printer : Canon 3300



Printer : Canon IP 1980
Sort problem : Dollars............(only**)

Ms Ong說她老闆怕有人可以改到她issued check的amount,所以dollars後面一定要only**,目前他們用的software是$300++


Friday, June 25, 2010


Lee Hun是用canon brand的printer
她的By pass tray是兩邊adjust的
大概是說can not load the paper
HP 1005


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Printer : Sharp MX 2700



Tuesday, June 22, 2010


他還說下次開支票給我們時 會用yongaccount來開


Join Build遇上的問題

昨天打給他 問他關於印信封的東西
他說當他要print時 選paper size to DL時 有出現warning
printer也不會動 那warning大概是說關於他的setting有錯誤
過不久他又再試 竟然可以印出來了


Monday, June 21, 2010

介紹給Join Build

上個星期打給Join Build的Mr Tan
他說沒有 不大明顯
裡面有sample video


21 Jun 2010

剛才我的同事聯絡Kranji Construction的Mr Tan

雖然最少只能adjust 100mm


Friday, June 18, 2010

Visit to a customer PTC

The customer is using cheque printing machine to print the amount figure. But the clerk has to write the payee name. She has to adjust and stamp the date. The fourth step is to stamp the not negotiable. Total it is a four steps.

so much time and effort is saved by using yongaccount. And it is free!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

16 Jun 2010

有個customer( Kranji Construction )是用SHARP的printer
它的printer setup paper size最少只可以100mm
後來我有嘗試把我的printer setup成100mm


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cheque printed record

Start in 17 mar 2010
By 05 jun 2010, it has 1247 cheque printed in about 3 months.

- using facebook
- using offline inv
- using envelope

- monitering facebook impact

Print check for free!

Monday, May 24, 2010

The future of chequewriter

The future of chequewriter is completely free and online. There is no installation, no download and no setting required (for hp laser printer). It is fast, convenient and professional, eliminating manual cheque writing work. All you need is any computer with internet explorer and your office printer.

It is the easiest way to print cheque issued by Singapore, Malaysia and US banks. All you need to do is 3 simple steps:

1) Put your bank cheque into your office/home printer
2) Select your payee name and enter the amount to pay
3) Click print

You can watch the online chequewriter demo on YouTube.

As a young boss, I have to manage a very new clerk. One fine day, our landloard comes to collect the monthly rental. As he is standing impatiently in front of the accounting desk, the intimated clerk is so excited that she voids 3 cheques consequently. She misspells the payee name once and misspells the amount twice. Seeing how frustrated she is, I spend a little time and create a simple chequewriter. So come the birth of yongAcccount, an online checkwriter, to eliminate tedious handwritten check. It is used daily at our office now and by our existing customers. It is freely available to any new accounting people.

Future chequewriter is free!

How to display image link to yongaccount in facebook note?

<a href="http://apps.facebook.com/yongaccount"><img src="add image address" /></a>

Saturday, May 22, 2010

So excited about a new customer

The new customer comments,

"just put in the chque into the printer, and it prints!"

It is so easy to use if you have a hp printer and the new user is about 50 years old.

Print check for free!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is the connection too slow?

I wonder if users find the connection too slow? There are case where user click print twice. Maybe I should disable the print? Or a turning logo.

Print check for free!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Customer on hp printer

Today just release a link for customer using hp laserjet. No setting is required for hp laser printer. For hp photo printer, setup for a custom paper size is required.

The customer called to say thank. He asks if the link need to do again, I sat is a one tine setting.

Another customer also starts using after stop for almost a month. I wonder?

Print check for free!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

a customer uses hp printer

The customer says he is using hp m1522 without any problem. Recently, cannot print right due to our change to setup requirement for all printer.

HP printer does not require any setup however for all the customer I come across, all need setup as they are not using HP. Now there is a customer using HP and without any setup. Should I continue to allow no setup or should I force all setup?

Is there a way to detect hp printer?

The customer is about 50, can hardly use a computer...

A bit off but still can use. Ask to meet at his office and solve in 5 minutes...


他說連續2 weeks都在用yongaccount開支票
按print cheque now
每個公司的copy machine都不一樣
可以click看看step by step 的 setup

Technical Support

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Checkwriter For Standard US Check

You can customize US check on yongAccount. Bank of America and Citibank check are compatible. Only 2 points are required for customization. Click here to create your check format.

Technical Support

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cheque Setup

又要开支票了。。。今天去 http://yongAccount.homeip.net 网站,发现多了一个 printer setup, 原来是为了每个人的printer。

我就跟着图片里的instruction 去做setting, 印出来的支票一级棒!!!!!

还没试用的朋友,可以到 http://yongAccount.homeip.net 看看,这是一个很不错的一个网站。


regular user
online cheque writer

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Asia cheque

Asia cheque is different from the standard US check format. It has a bearer and a account payee.

1) bearer

if cancel, only the payee written can be paid.
if no cancel, the bearer can be paid.

2) Account payee only

if draw, must go into bank account.
if not draw, can get cash.

If cash cheque, do not cancel bearer and account payee.

As for US check, it has a memo field for entering invoice number and bill catalog.

best regards
Print check for free

Monday, May 3, 2010

to select all friends in facebook

etElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] ==='object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}

tested on US bank check

It works right for US check now. The date is especially format for example

September 3rd, 2010 instead of the Asia way 01 Sep 2010. Today, there is a Malaysian cheque created on yongAcount. There is also a UAE cheque last week.

Print check for free!

Cheque Writer

又到月尾了,我们这些“打工仔”领薪水了。。。这次老板说开支票让员工自己进银行。员工的人数多,我选择http://yongAccount.homeip.net 网站来帮我印支票。。。

我约花半个小时就把支票给印好了,老板都觉的很好。。。。因为他很放便,只要打进payee name , total amount 就可以了

Regular user
print cheque for free

Saturday, May 1, 2010

785 cheques are printed on yongaccount

As on 01 may 2010, Labour day, 785 cheques are being printed at yongaccount. It is release in 17 march 2010. Look like within 3 months, there will be 2000 cheque issued using yongaccount.

US standard cheque format is added. Inch or cm measurement. IE version 6 to 8 works on yongAccount.

Happy Labor Day!

Print check for free!

International check printing

Today, I have added US check format with default measurement unit in inch. I have also remove basic printer no setting. Basic printer requires now custom paper setting. The margin in IE has changed to 2.5 inches as it is big enough for all printer I come across.

IE 6 and IE 8 are now using the same method to display. Make things simpler.

Print check for free!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Yongaccount chequewriter is now featured in press release

Our articles and instructions on check printing are published successfully at the following PR site. You can click the links to read them.

articlesbase for online checkwriter

free-press-release for 3 simple step free checkwriter

Happy reading!

Technical Support
Print check for free

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

US check and Asia cheque are different

Asia cheque has 2 line for dollar. The amount is in line with the dollar.

The US check has only 1 line for dollar. It's amount is in line with payee. It also has a memo line.

Use 2 format?

Will edit be a problem for cheque?

Have done the complete setup for the cheque 4 points. If it is already been saved, it will recall all points from database.

The next will be to do a printout for 4 points.

And to decide whether to remove hp 1000 setting without any printer setting. A look at the market shows that there is no more hp 1000. And all our customer needs to customize a paper size to use yongAccount.

They are not able to detect the cheque paper for a copier. Most printer has only 1 side slider. The sensor in the printer has stopped all printing for less than A4 size. Better to make setup a compulsory things. 50% has 2 slider. 50% has 1 slider. It is safer to make only custom paper size.

I am not going to edit IE6. Better to do little update on multifunction printer only. Let it able to print out the 4 points successfully. If it is multifunction and go 4 points, then use the new file: cheque_display_multi_4pts.php

Print cheque online

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Adding login to cheque printing

I am considering to add login with password for yongaccount. It is to make using yongaccount secure. Please comments on adding password to yongaccount.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mr lim is. Coughing today

Buy lime already.
Avoid cold drink.

Today no coughing but morning feel not right.

Print international bank cheque & customize bank list

I have done the customize bank list so that only required cheque are available for selection for individual user. It is to reduce the error in selecting the wrong bank cheque. There is also a logo to verify the cheque selected.

For international cheque, we are taking 5 measurements. It can print easily with existing technology. However, for an oversea user, he will have to select advance cheque customization.

Or automatically, if he is not from singapore, the check he customize will be consider advance format.

Task: to customize a new cheque for US bank or to achieve accurate printing for local Singapore bank.

Basic | Complete

With the complete tab select if he is not from Singapore, he will enter 5 points. The last point is option for the for field. Maybe we can leave out the fifth point first. Or it can detect if the field is not empty, it will display the memo form.

Using the first form, the data entry is the same. It is only when printing, that is different. The cheque table adds only 4 more field


Should i combine basic cheque and advance cheque format into one selection?

Or should i automate, if the amount fields are available, then use the advance format.

Why should people customize their own cheque when there is already one DBS? Is it personal? It is a totally different cheque format?

DBS Corp

There are 3 format just for the bank DBS!

Make it flexible!

yongAccount Developer
Print Check for Free!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Develop to print international cheque

Work is being done to print bank check from different countries. UOB bank exists in Singapore and Malaysia but their cheque format is different. Yongaccount cheque payment printing auto detects your country and offer the revelent cheque.

To cut down bank selection error in yongaccount, the bank logo will appear in the print cheque. Only commonly used cheque by the users are offered with a more cheque selection.

Customization of cheque has a basic version : needs only 2 measurement on a cheque. An advance of 5 measurement is on the white board now to cater to detail accurate printing for local and US checks.

YongAccount developer
print cheque for free at http://yongAccount.homeip.net


嗨,我每个月都要开很多支票,经过朋友的介绍;用了觉的很适合大家用。 在此想与大家分享网站是http://yongAccount.homeip.net 有兴趣的朋友可以上去看看

Shirely Chan
YongAccount Regular User
Print cheque for free!



Technical Support
Free Cheque Writer

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Print Checks for Free / A New Cheque Writer

As a young boss, I have to manage a new accounting girl. Out of frustration, I develop a simple cheque writer after she mis-spell the wordings on the cheque three times to an impatient creditor. Here come the birth of yongAccount free cheque writer.

Writing cheque or check is a very tedious and error prone task. It can easily be automated with pricey accounting software. In 2010, there are now website to print cheque online for free. Such invention is possible with the growth of office broadband.

http://YongAccount.homeip.net is an easy to use and revolutionary online checkprinter. It is completely free as it uses only your Internet Explorer and your existing printer. You do not need to purchase any additional hardware to print a cheque. Please view a quick demonstration video on yongAccount.

It prints on all bank cheque. If your cheque is not found on yongAccount, you can easily customize it yourself. It has a community of users who customize yongAccount for their own unique check. Whatever cheque template created by the communityis available for you to use.

It can print on both basic and multifunction printers. Most basic printer does not need any setting to use yongAccount. However, if you are using a multifunction printer, you can simply customize a paper size for the cheque at your printing preference.

YongAccount supports batch printing. You can key in all the payee names and amount to pay before sending them to the printer. It saves lots of time if you have to issue 20 cheques each time.

YongAccount has a automatic number to word conversion. You will only need to enter the amount in digit and it will automatically turn it into correct spelling. The chances of payee name misspelling is minimized as you only need to select the payee name.

You can option for a login to use yongAccount. With secured login via facebook application, you can view a summary report of your outgoing cheque activities. You can also set up to print a payment voucher together with your cheque. The job of an accountant has never been easier.

Using YongAccount for cheque printing is very easy. There is no download or installation. All you need to do is to go to http://YongAccount.homeip.net, enter a payee name, a amount and print a check at home!

Best regards
YongAccount Developer
Print cheque for free!

Check: Need to add the XXXXX for the bearer

Now it is time to add the bearer... technically it is not difficult, the only things is how to harvest the user community to add in the data?

Can it be like a youtube where people can select their version of bank cheque?

Is payment voucher a need soon? it sound reasonable to add payment voucher...

Do i have to force a login?


1.0 cheque writer

1.1 print cheque
1.2 payment voucher
1.3 select bank
1.4 customize cheque - Singapore -> Malaysia -> Indonesia -> USA
1.5 simple report
1.6 about us
1.7 client base

Best regards
YongAccount Developer
Print cheque for free!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Acceptable in business cheque practise

Just to write cheque is more acceptable socially... Having more feature may not be what the user want.

I will be very excited if I can find a way to provide free services and still do a business.

The positioning has changed to Just a cheque writer!

Best regards
YongAccount Developer
Print cheque for free!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Free concept of check printing

The first thing is who make it? The second is it open to anyone?
The third is does it has a password?

Free is not so acceptable when it comes to sensitive data. Password seems to be a need to protect the data.

Option 1: Coporate account... Must login to use. Report must be login. It will always be free or a small fee.

Free - Will it be hacked in? It links to is it open to anyone? Is it safe?

How to convince it is safe to use?

Get others to use. Make it free. As many people use it, it will be trusted. Our customers are all using.

Free - now free, will it be payable after use sometime. Always free. It is unbelievable.

Option 2: no registration required. It is not so well received.

I have decided to remove the simple report. Segment it purely to write cheque and keep away from reporting for sense of security.

I have also add a delete all for all payee quick select.

No one want their data unsecured as such make it just to purely print cheque. As long as there is a password protected, it seems safer.

Best regards
YongAccount Developer
Print cheque for free!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Doing personal sale of free cheque writer

The fear is rejection. It is part of doing sale. But it is thru personal sale that I can get feedback on what is the root of little sale.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Listed as free check printer on facebook directory

Manage to get listed today by using serveral blogshoplist. Immediately got 3 users.

I have to force myself to constantly test new things.

My need will be all contact from yellow pages.

I have a great product. The only problem is how to let others know. There is little users because people do not know the value of the product. Using PR? Using direct fax n email? Thru HHS customer. Seo? Software directory? Advertisement?

Making the form customizable. Invoice number, cheque number, memo etc can it be a community?

Making language an option.

Can it let other user to create different reports?

Best regards
YongAccount Developer
Print cheque for free!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

No one try yesterday: more online marketing for cheque printer

No one uses yongaccount yesterday even when we fax 100 people. I am not permisstic. Miss wong is so excited about the convenience of yongaccount that she recommend aloft to use. Yongaccount has the potential to create free salegirls thru words of mouth.

Fb apps directory for check writer

Getting into fb apps directory is important for people to find us in facebook.

Will be working on the cookie issue at midnight ie 6.

How to get 10 users? Sometime it does not seem to be available in facebook. I worry about facebook connection, it can jam up easily on times. Direct from my site?

I see that getting Malay Lang is important to go to Malaysia n Indonesia market.

1000 users, how to get 1000 users? 5% of contact is 1000, then I have to reach 20000 people.

Possible with email. Fax can only reach 5000 in 2 months. User shd be 100 users by jun 2010.

Best regards
YongAccount Developer
Print cheque for free!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Added fb login for cheque writer

With fb login, the payee list and report will not display if user is not login in.

If a user choose to login and print cheque, the report and payee list will only be available when login.

If the user does not login, the payee list and report will show only the pc user.

What is the right marketing words to use?

Print blank cheque with Ajax

Today Sally inform me that blank cheque is being printed. After some test, it seems to be the Ajax issue. Sometimes it print from print preview but most time, it does not. Finally, I remove Ajax and use normal cheque display.

Ms wong report page 1 of 1. It is the header, it should not appear unless it is a A4 paper... I have a feeling that she is confused with the A4 and exact cheque used.... Idot!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Added report of cheque listing

just add a simple total report on cheuque issed... Make userid secured.... and fax to 40 companies our A4 flyer. Hope more people will benefit from yongAccount... added youtube on cheque insert into printer and multiple cheque printing...

Best regards
YongAccount Developer
Print cheque for free!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

yongAccount - the best is always free for cheque writer

As a young boss, I have to manage a new accounting girl. Out of frustration, I develop a simple cheque writer after she mis-spell the wordings on the cheque three times to an impatient creditor. Here come the birth of yongAccount free cheque writer.

It is a 100% free cheque writer since it cost me nothing to open my cheque writing website to anyone who needs it. You only need internet explorer and your office printer to print a cheque instantly. It automatically converts your amount to correct wording. And to make things easier, you can print serveral cheques at each time.

Add to your facebook application now! The best thing is always free! That is what I believe in.

Here is it...

print cheque for free at http://yongAccount.homeip.net

for image & convenience

Monday, March 22, 2010

Talking to more people for ideas

Talk to a builder neg in private, I get more idea from her. To use tab, no need more button. Or just add a "add another cheque" for mouse users.

Friday, March 19, 2010

10 person network printer

Have done a test on printing 2 cheque. It does ok with hp. Now is

- is there a page break in ie?

- must add a second button?

Manage do multiple cheque printing on 24 Mar 10, using facebook add school format. It is easier than i thought after discussion with my office girls.

Let 10 000 office girls know the benefit of printing cheque instead of tedious handwritten cheque:

Have send out 50 flyer by 22 Mar 10.
Will fax A4 flyer on 25 Mar 10 - target suppliers and total 50.
Will increase to 100 a day in Apr 10.
Will email to small companies, target 500 a day before apr 10.
Will send out statement to 100 customers on 3 apr 10.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

2 big obstacles to web cheque printing

After talking to the customer, yuwei feedback to me

1) as the user shares a printer with 10 over workers, the printer is located far from her. As such, she will have to walk a distance to the printer to print each time. Batch printing is a must. Father has the insight to see the need for batch printing.

2) the user internet connection is shared by 10 other people, it may not be working sometime. Why? maybe a offline firefox will solve the problem.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

add negotiable

Added the label

yongAccount is a 100% free cheque write for singapore and malaysia cheque. It is available at



to all payee except cash cheque. I wonder do you need the above for cheque payable to a person name? If you know, please comments. :)

My office has been using yongaccount to print serveral cheque, and they printed beautifully on line. I am spread the words about yongaccount cheque printer.

- Using paste and tear off flyer to all office area lift.
- Using paste and tear off flyer to all accounting school.

Create awareness thru our customers and suppliers.

Facebook page, wall.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Free cheque printing

Idea in end Jan 10
Develop in feb 10
Sell in mar 10

All free cheque writer for small companies. Added facebook application.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

how to install pear

1. first run php installer again
2. cmd line go to php folder
3. run pear.bat
4. may have to restart
5. run pear install Numbers_Words-0.16.1

number folder should appear on pear

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can get a4 size to print

Without any setting in IE
1. Default margin
2. No need landscape
3. No need customize paper
4. Just press enter to print

It can be make so much easier to use. To try, enter and press print.

It will be a free program for the world. I wonder if cheque number is required?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I have found the answer to easy printing

Since IE is the standard for printing, i better use the default paper size and margin. And using the same method in my microsoft access to print cheque, i can do away with paper setting and margin, using vertical wordings in css as followed

minus away in IE
1) to set landscape
2) to set paper size each time
3) to set in page setup
4) to set in printer preference
5) to set margin

but in firefox
1) only one time setting on
- landscape
- paper size

Both need to remove heading and footer manually...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Johor advertise

Malaysian going back for cny. If can advertise will be very good. How to get them know and interested?

Ie master layout in 2 days

I must thank Internet to get insights into ie way of working. I am setting 0.5 inches margins.

To print accurately in ie, that is the most commonly used browser.

1. Use shrink to fit in page setup paper option.
2. Use landscape in page setup.
3. Set margin to 0.5 inches, similar to firefox default.
4. In printer preference, create a custom paper size. 90 mm widtd and 180 mm height.
5. In printer preference, set landscape too.
6. All elements eg date to print, set with reference to (0.5 inches, 0.5 inches) in front page. Use draw layout cell.
7. Insert layout table with width set to width of cheque - left margin and right margin. That is 15.2 cm. The height set to smaller than height - top margin - bottom margin. That is 6 cm.

In x ratio, 718 points = 15.2cm
Y ratio, 284 points = 6 cm

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cheque writer

Manage to do a cheque writer on 04 feb 2010. print a sample and let mr lim bring to personal selling.

There is a demand. Many people are using handwritten cheque.

My marketing issue is to give what name? My target is account female clerk from Malaysia. The time is boardband in every office and printer.

Next will be where to advertise on my web service.

The engineering issue is I print on firefox but it goes off in Internet explorer. Add in CSs font size and name.

Adding a bank cheque may be good for the future.

Searching the Internet, I get to know ie default is 0.75 inches margin. It should not be difficult to use the default margin.

I have to focus on ie because that is what everyone is using in Singapore.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thoughts on iPhone accounting

Yongaccounting till 14 Jan 10 stop

Sap focus on business process, lots of consultant and customization.

Maybe I should finish my acc inv tomorrow and start a cheque writer online. 100% free. Print on any printer. Customizable check size.

The present of supplier is a good entry point to adsense. It makes more sense to focus on a part than the whole accounting.

Segment: sg then my
Small business with no software
- got writer, moving to less keying
- got printer n Internet

- small business and personal

- 100% free
- any printer
- any check
- less time on writing check

- customized to new check n bank
- free supplier suggestion
- summary of supplier spending
- add on module, anyone can be a developer. Upload. Anyone can use it.

5 years ahead

- blog on my development
- yongaccounting? Yongbusiness?
- alliance with bank? A free service to their customer. A threat from online sharing give iTunes a chance to sell music online.

Operation is more important than accounting!

- business software
- create invoice
- print check
- search supplier

1. Large business & government
2. Medium business
3. Small business traditional
4. Small and new business - likely to buy
5. Small, new and online business - do not tax
6. Oversea small business
- my, Indonesia

Small and new business - how many new business a year? P&l important? Create invoice. print. email.
Small business does not like to do accounting.

500 new business a year
Listed in income tax website?

Online and free
- flexible to add field to your invoice
- like mozilla, developer can add on

How many developer in sg? 0
International? 10

- many company
- add on

Abc costing

The world check printer costs $40. I can make a better online check printer and open to the public to print and customize their bank check. Make it free and use adsense.

It may be easier than making an accounting system. Talk to sap fir more information.

Talk is so important that new ideas are generated.

If I do the eqo into the supplier side. A suggestion on how many to order. I can also do on the cost of a product, based on fix cost.

I have done an easier website. The format is killing me. Lucky, I intend on the desktop more than mobile.

Alvin has asked a very solid questions. How many people want iPhone accounting?

Paypal is quick enough to know there is no demand on mobile money transfer and adapt their product to online payment.

It answers why my mobile personal trainer never sell to cover my development cost. It does not even work to build muscle. When I change my hp, I lost all data and stop going to gym. It is also inflexible.

There is demand for mobile quickbook but it is little, not a lot in the us. We have quality problem, trust issue and huge support cost on new version of window, pocketpc etc.

I better do my invoicing on desktop. Make it free and support by adsense. Mobile is just an added benefit for a small group of users.

How many people want online accounting?

Offline mode to speed up the invoicing. It takes 2 seconds for Ajax to work. So database for item, customer and new order.

Partial client for item and customer, invoice is directly online.

Goal: work online with fast offline product database.

Client Database

New item - go online ? Assume most people has Internet and desktop use only.

For control it is better online. If client, it can be destory easily by a reset?

A form based invoice. Submit up. If fail, still got data to submit Again.

- id primary key
- name text
- idItem text
- quantity text

- id primary key
- name text
- idCustomer text
- address text

- id primary key
- date text
- idCustomer text
- memo text

- id primary key
- idInvoice text
- idItem text
- quantity text
- unitPrice text

Go Singapore event and give out namecard. Get email. Get snapshot.

Alvin: he is really an exprience sale person

His first question: How many people want accounting on iPhone?

An add on to existing software for current companies. Talk to engineers instead of the boss. The boss do not know.

What is the feedback?

Email people to use your website. Include a screen shot of your website. Have a pack of namecard. Take extra as you do not if you may meet someone important. Collect namecard more important give namecard. Put a pack of your namecard in your wife bag. Ask your wife to help, she can easily tell many people.

Comment on myob, it is available everywhere. Why are they successful? They advertise everywhere. They target new business or someone going computerized.

The son or daughter is the important decider.

Yong cheque writer

Many HHS customer are not using software to write cheque.a big pool of customer. Make it easy.

Create a free online cheque writer. Enter payee and amount, and print cheque with your own printer. You can customize to your bank cheque. Or select cheque format from user generate list.

It is a smaller business than accounting. Talking to sap makes me think that user is more concern about his business process than accounting. Operation is the making money while accounting is a post business activity in the night.

Straight into business. Traditionally, into business and transfer to accounting software.

Send to all HHS customer to use the cheque writer.